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2022-06-28 19:42:44

This morning Grade 12 students shared their experiences in pre-college summer programs with Grade 11 students.They volunteered to speak about the campus life, academics and the application process for summer programs in U.S.universities.We, CFLSAP Center, are thankful that we have students participating in wonderful and enriching summer opportunities and that they are willing to share their knowledge with their classmates while comfortably speaking English.


Lizzy, Xinyi Li G12C1 shared her experience at Amherst College where she participated in a non-credit program and studied Business and History.She provided some great tips for Grade 11 students about studying abroad and choosing your summer program. She suggested that if you have major that you are interested in that summer programs are a great way to discover whether you like it or not. Lizzy also added that summer programs also require a letter of recommendation from your teachers.She said that this encouraged her to talk more to her teachers and now when she is applying to university her teachers know her better.

来自高三一班的李心仪在暑假的时候参加了Amherst College的一个非学分课程,包括商业学和历史。她根据个人经历给高二年级同学就如何选择暑期项目,如何在国外生活提出了一些宝贵的建议。她提到暑期项目对于发现自己感兴趣的大学专业非常有帮助。在申请过程中,一封来自老师的推荐信也是很有必要的。这一点也鼓励她更多的跟老师交流,而现在他在申请大学的时候,老师对她也有了更深入的了解。

Peter, Chen Yuran G12C1 discussed his summer program at NYU Stern School of Business. He studied 8 credits in his Business Investment and Behavioral Economics classes.He discussed the process to apply to this program and that you must first be accepted to the general pre-college program and after this acceptance then you can apply to a specialized program.He gave students tips about how to balance study life and also budgets.He discussed that NYU is a great place to live and study, but students should be aware of the cost of living in the place where they are studying.


Linda, Zeng Shuke G12C1 talked to the Grade 11 students about Cornell University’s Architecture summer program.She discussed the difference between life at Cornell versus what Peter has explained life in NYC was like.The application for this summer program required 3 essays and she gave Grade 11 students tips on essay writing.The major advice that she gave students was that summer programs are a great experience for art,architecture and design students, who need to work on their portfolio.She felt the Cornell challenged her to improve her architecture skills,but more importantly it prepared her for her university applications.


Joe, Zeng Shi G12C1, Cici Fang Youyou G12C1, and Lisa, Yulin Guan G12C2 all shared their experiences at Brown University’s summer program.This program has been popular among students in the past. The wide arrange of courses and activities offered at Brown, attract many students. The team discussed their own courses that they studied, with Joe studying Virology, Cici studying Foreign Policy, and Lisa studying Media.They promoted the opportunities and chances that students have to get involved at Brown and in the community.Joe explained the opportunities to get involved with sports on campus.Cici discussed the APP that connected students with free campus activities.Lisa shared her experiences as a research assistant.


Don, Zhengliang Liu G12C3, shared his experience at Yale University’s summer program.There he studied two courses, Math and History. He discussed the importance of making new friends with people from different backgrounds.His tip for the class was to be responsible of yourself and your belongings.Kai, Li Zitong G12C3, studied at George Washington University’s summer program and also added to Don’s conversation about community involvement and not being shy when it comes to speaking and making friends.She also gave a great tip about interacting with American students, that using your phone all of the time can be considered rude.


We will continue to discuss summer program opportunities with students at AP Center. Other students that didn’t speak today will help when we introduce summer programs to Grade 10 students later in the week!

Thanks for your help Grade 12!






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