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2021-03-13 23:40:14

关注【明琦音乐】 实现音乐理想


【明琦音乐】独家编写 转载请注明出处



英皇考级全球事务总监Timothy Arnold演奏


C:1 D.C.Glover Indian Pony Race

This is perhaps less the‘pony club’and more the open countryside ofVirginia and the training of a wild Chincoteague PonyTherein liesthe solution to practising the pieceit is wild andexciting but requires physical disciplinepatience andunderstanding

The musical ponyhaving been caughtneeds breaking incareful fingering should precede a slow education of the notes intothe fingersnoting bars that are repeatedConsistency offingering is crucialespe-cially in the right-hand chords(bars 3 and 4 etc.)where theremust be no hesitation when the harmony changesPractising theseoffbeat against the bass notes will helpas will using a5/3/1 rather than 4/2/1 fingering.

A more robust kick of the hind legs in the bass notes,and lighterchords in the rightwill convey leaping and buckingthe shake of themane in bar 6 needs every little ruffle clearly definedExperimentingwith the semi-quaversdrumming on the piano lidwill helpconsolidate the rhythma shake of the wrist on to the fingertips will help develop a quickrelaxedwrist staccato for all the passages involving semiquavers

The pony calms down and behaves itself from bar 11but thepianist requires continued concentration and controlA relaxedbounce from the lett wrist is essential here,and the crescendo and diminuendohairpins give just a hint of unease

The final five bars need good anticipation,the frisky characterchalleng-ing the performer's hands to jump confidently to new positionsRhythmic workand shadow jumping will help the control and leave the performer greaterfreedom to enhance the final crescendo with held pedal-the lively pony leapingthe fence and making a bid for freedom!





关注【明琦音乐】 实现音乐理想




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